That’s where the consultant needs to know more than the science; they need to know the client. That’s where the RiskFootprint™ suite of products and services comes in. Our six-step, B-Resilient™ process begins with a qualitative assessment of the physical asset portfolio for 13-columns of risks, plus individual property, aggregate risk scores. Then, we work with the client to examine the higher risk, “red zone” properties more closely with property-level, quantitative risk assessments.
Some clients want to go farther and determine the capex needed to address the risks identified and perform a cost-benefit analysis for risk mitigation investments. Then, some clients will want to go on to design and implement risk mitigation features, which may include: elevating structures and equipment, dry floodproofing buildings, upsizing roof drains, replacing end-of-life AC chillers with more efficient systems, storm sewer improvements, and blue and green infrastructure, such as permeable pavements and bio-swales.