Ecosystem of Experts

Partners in Accelerating Resilience

Experts in Property specific flood, natural hazard and climate impact and advisory solutions 

We have found that while some real property owners/operators, investors, lenders, tenants, etc. may have obtained “high-level” climate change risk assessments, few have any specific plans of action to mitigate those risks. Coastal Risk doesn’t leave its risk assessment clients hanging when they ask, “OK. That’s the bad news. What do I do, next?”
We partner with our clients to develop a bespoke program to accelerate their assets’ safety and resilience. We refer to this as our 6-step, B-Resilient™ business process. This process helps companies determine if “at risk” properties should be targeted for mitigation investments or, in some cases, divestment. This will permit companies to maintain profitable assets, while making them more resilient.
An important part of our B-Resilient™ process is the Advisory Services division of Coastal Risk. We call this our Ecosystem of Experts. We deploy on the client’s behalf a wide-array of national and internationally-recognized climate scientists, engineers, architects, storm water and flood mitigation, and regulatory permitting experts.

Flood Risk Mitigation

TMS Waterfront

TMS Waterfront supplies the expertise and knowledge to solve waterfront problems by providing highly experienced, specialized managers, focused on specific projects and solutions for agencies, companies, owners, and engineers that do not possess an intimate knowledge of the waterfront.

Indigo River

Indigo River has the expertise and personnel to blur the lines between Architecture, Civil Engineering, Marine Engineering, Planning, and Construction. With a focus on seamlessly blending the disciplines together as a part of our overall design process, we staff our project teams with members well-versed in each discipline, assuring the overall design, inside and out, wet and dry, is integrated and unified. We design resilient solutions that transcend boundaries.

Building Exterior Climate Risks

AEI Consultants

AEI Consultants is an employee-owned international consulting firm that provides comprehensive services to commercial lenders, property owners, managers, tenants, and developers, institutions, government agencies, and insurers, including many Fortune 500 companies. These services include environmental, property and facility assessments, capital planning, zoning and energy consulting, site investigation and remediation, industrial hygiene, and construction risk management.

Architecture and Engineering

Environmental Permitting

Other Experts

Accelerate Resilience. We’re here to help.

2385 NW Executive Center Drive, Suite 100

Boca Raton, FL 33431



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RiskFootprint™ Reports

RiskFootprint™ Dashboard

B-Resilient™ Risk Reduction Process

Ecosystem of Experts™

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